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ECAP in Bulgaria

After several successfully organized trainings for groups of technicians from Bulgaria in our training center in Ripanj, by demand of our partners in Bulgaria, ECAP had three training sessions during March in Plovdiv, Sofia and Ruse. In all three cities we had „Workshop management“ training for participants from local workshops. All together more than 30 participants, from almost same number of workshops, all of different size and structure. Owners and workshop managers had active part in trainings, showing big interest and wish to improve business and to solve daily business problems in more efficient and easier way. Good organization of our partner and successfully conducted trainings, resulted in boosted interest of Bulgarian colleagues for additional trainings in ECAP training center as well as for similar trainings to be organized again in Bulgaria starting already from September. In the first half of this year we are expecting new groups of technicians from Bulgaria to join our trainings in ECAP.